Friday, January 1, 2010

One Small Change

One small change is a great idea started by a fellow blogger Hip Mountain Mama.
She is asking everyone to make one small change a month until Earth Day, and blog about it.
What I like about this is that it is completely obtainable. The changes are small, but if may do them, the affect will be great.
This is a basic list she has started.....
Many I already do, some I wouldn't consider, like eliminating toilet paper, and having a family cloth. I must admit I don't know all of the specifics of this, but I am pretty sure I would pass.

Recycle, use cloth napkins, try cloth diapering, replace your bulbs with LED or CFL bulbs, turn off your lights, use natural cleaning products or make your own, drive your car less, buy a hybrid, turn your thermostat down, use the sun to warm your home through passive solar heat, bring your own bags to the store, install a low flow shower head, stop buying bottled water, unplug it, bring more plants into your home, always print double sided, when getting rid of things consider freecycle, craigslist or ebay (do not throw out as someone else is surely able to get some use out of it), support local farms and try to eat local, purchase wind power if it is available in your area, purchase products made with natural materials and that can be reused, purchase recycled paper products, use rags instead of paper towels to clean up messes, use reusable lunch sacks, buy organic, landscape responsibly by reducing the use of water needed, donate time and/or money to green efforts, elimate the use of toilet paper by using family cloths, don’t flush every time, put a brick or something heavy it he back of your toilet so it uses less water when flushed.

 The first change I am going to make is to eliminate the over use of plastic baggies in our house. We go through way to many, using them only once. 

Here is a link to make some...
craft stylish
we wilsons 

or you can purchase some here on ETSY .
I will post my handmade creations soon.

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